Friday 27 March 2009

ElectroQueer Interview Velvet!

Velvet is releasing her new single "Chemistry" in the UK on April 27th on Feverpitch Records and EQ got 10 minutes on the phone with her to chat about the new single, her performance of "The Queen" at Melodifestavlian, some goss about Alcazar. Suprisingly enough, Velvet told me she doesn't have a favourite PWL song - What?! Anywho - enjoy the little chat and make sure you check out the new video.

Well hello Jenny - how are you today?
I am very good!

Where are you calling in from today?
I'm calling from my apartment in Sweden!

So you have a new single coming out in the UK called "Chemistry" on April 27th which has been a huge hit all over Europe thus far. How are you feeling about the upcoming UK release of it?
Oh I'm very excited and really looking forward to going out on tour with it and and seeing England. This is a dream of mine to get this song out to the UK and I hope it goes very well! Fingers crossed.

Did you have a good time filming the new video? I noticed there were a lot of dangerous neon wires and strings and such...
Yes it was a special experience. I had a very good time. Lots of early mornings but it worked out well. I'm very happy with the results. The neon wires and strings were pretty fun to see in real life. I thought it might look strange in the video but it turned out very well! It wasn't dangerous at all, no nasty accidents on the set!

Read the full interview on ElectroQueer here