Friday 18 June 2010

Sugarscape on Fugative "BACK OFF, HE'S OURS!"

"BACK OFF HE'S OURS. OK Scapers we’re concerned. We’ve been talking about Fugative for a few months now and we’ve always agreed he’s kind of cool and hot but a bit brrrap and we don't usually go for that.

But now we are going for it, we’re digging the brrrap – look we just said digging. We mean, we’re not going to go and wear that nasty medallion thing that he likes, but we are now playing his songs through choice and not because we are writing about them. The same thing happened with Bieber a while back.

Take a look at his latest vid for Bad Girl…

That was good wasn’t it?

We’re going to share something with you know, but only if you don’t judge us… At the end of the video we got really jealous and stopped liking the pretty girl. We want to fall into a swimming pool with Fugative.

Bad Girl is out July 25th. Are you beginning to get a bit weird and obsessed with Fugative too? Tell us what you think of the song…"

Click here to see the feature and read the comments!!