Photography by Rachel Ferriman for The Girls Are...
"Having become a tad smitten with Bertie Blackman’s new album Secrets & Lies, I decided to brave the creche that is Koko on a Friday night to see Bertie Blackman play.
Every couple of months I find myself privy to a performance of utter brilliance, sheer force and astounding precision. This was one of those performances.
Sad, then, for it to be marred by a moronic section of the largely underage audience intent on ruining everyone else’s experience.
The aforementioned morons took form in five barely pubescent boys located a few feet from the stage. Not satisfied with infuriating their neighbours by starting a mosh pit, they then decided to launch 50p pieces at poor Bertie onstage.
With good grace she quipped that she would now be able to “afford a bus home” (sorry love, not round these parts), but from that point on it was evident that this phenomenally talented lady wanted to get through the set, and just leave.
What can not be faulted however, was Bertie’s performance itself. Fierce, enigmatic, faultless, energetic and at times quite touching, she poured heart and soul into every song.
Current single ‘Black Cats’ caused cheers and whoops from the crowd, and personal favourite ‘Thump’ was the highlight of the show. Seamlessly fusing tongue in cheek lyrics, electro-clash sensibilities and classically solid songwriting, she commanded the stage."
Click here to see the review on The Australian Times
Annette runs The Girls Are,, a collaborative blogging community supporting women in music.