Skiddmark Magazine flew out to the French Alps to meet Chicane's Nick Bracegirdle, and talk about music (Chicane's new album Giants) and cars (Nick's RS4)
"I’m in the car with 39 year old Nick Bracegirdle, the brainchild of the band Chicane, all round petrolhead plus similarly large and cheeky character as Piquet. For those of you who don’t know Nick, you’ll definitely have heard his work. His first major release and hit was “Offshore” which has now become one of the most memorable songs in modern dance music, having been used by numerous television programmes as tranquil mood setting music.
Nick followed this up in 1999 with “Saltwater,” another song you’ll instantly remember featuring the sweeping vocals of Clannad’s Moya Brennan, before collaborating shortly afterwards with Bryan Adams on the #1 smash hit “Don’t Give Up.” As testament to Chicane’s range of quality tracks, the Best Of went Gold to add to the other hundreds of thousands of records Nick has sold down the years"
Read the full interview on Skiddmark here.