What’s the best way to return? The S.C.C.C., have been mulling over this point in the last few months, and have come to the conclusion that all great returns couple something old with something new.
Therefore, they've recorded a little thing we call the May EP, May being the month when the regeneration of life starts to pick up pace. This, coupled with the album we recorded with Simon Barnicott (Arctic Monkeys, Kasabian, The Enemy) will be their first proper step into the world, after a long and hard fought few years. Why the May EP? The Greek goddess of growth, Maia, lends her name to the month. In Germany, youths plant ‘Trees of May’ in front of their lover’s houses, to symbolise new life. It is Mental Health Awareness Month; the football season finishes. Towel Day is celebrated, in honour of Douglas Adams.
In the past few months they've been writing and recording furiously, as well as playing a few shows to keep sharp. After the implosion of Nomadic Records and our subsequent freedom, they thought that, rather than releasing our album into a vacuum, they'd prepare the ground by developing something completely new; the eponymous song on the EP is fresher than a Mint Julep after a swim in a mountain spring. Influenced by Neutral Milk Hotel, driving ranges, Spanish cooking, and watching live orchestral performances.
Along with the new material they are going to take the Seal Cub Clubbing Club Book Club (or just SCCCBC) to a new level with the introduction of stamped return-by notices, which will entitle those who return the books to us at a gig when they next pass by their city to free merchandise, other books, and maybe a poem or something.
The album is done and artworked; They are honed live and livid with energy, and wetting their fingers and lifting them to the breeze to see if a kind wind blows. The Seal Cub Clubbing Club are coming back.