Hit 40 UK;
"We're quite shocked that Basshunter did so well on downloads only last Sunday. Could he be spiralling towards the top this weekend? Well if he does, it'll come as no shock to Mr Basshunter himself, he's already been #1 across Europe.
As you know, we're rather big fans of Swedish music here, but not massively hard house. Basshunter is Swedish so our feelings were all confused, but then we realised something 'Now You're Gone isn't what this song was called in Europe. It was a massive hit called 'Boten Anna' which we got sent last year and had a good old giggle to.
The story is a guy uses a chat channel and on there is a computer 'bot' which keeps the channel safe. Little does he know that she's actually a real life woman who he later meets and falls in love with. It includes classy lyrics like 'She can ban you so hard', 'she get's rid of all our spammers' (!!) and a Scooter-esque 'ARE YOU READY!'. Check it out" Full review here