Nikki Sixx's interview with The Sun
"ANYONE who has read MOTLEY CRUE’S book The Dirt will know that there are few things the bad boy rockers
didn’t get up to. One of the most memorable parts of that book was the moment bassist NIKKI SIXX flatlines after taking heroin, and then escapes from his hospital bed with everyone still believing he is dead.
Somehow he gets home and leaves an answer machine message on his telephone proclaiming to be from the dead Nikki Sixx - while he goes off to shoot up yet again.
Such rock ‘n' roll incidents may seem darkly hilarious – if a tad hard to believe – but they only skim the surface of a personal drug hell for the bassist which was to take years to kick.
And though the stories may seem hard to swallow at times, Nikki meticulously kept a very real diary of his descent into near insanity, which has now been published under the name of The Heroin Diaries."
Read the full interview here.